Echinaforce Hot Drink Concentrate is a traditional herbal medcinal product used to relieve the symptoms of cold and flu. This is based on traditional use only. Always read the leaflet.
5 ml of concentrate contains1,140 mg of extract (as tincture) of fresh Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench herb (112-13) and 60 mg of extract (as tincture) of fresh Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench root (111-12).Extraction solvent Ethanol 65% V/V
The other used are sucrose, purified water, concentrated elderberry juice, citric acid monohydrate, modified starch, medium chain triglycerides, potassium sorbate and ethanol.
Echinaforce Hot Drink should be diluted with hot water and made into a hot drink before use.
1. Fill the 5ml measuring spoon provided with the product.
2. Pour the contents of the spoon into a cup.
3. Add hot water and stir.
Adults and children over 12 years:
Days 1 to 3: Take 5ml diluted in hot water five times daily
Days 4 to 10: Take 5ml diluted in hot water three times daily
For oral use only. Do not take more than the recommended dose. Do not take this product for a cold or flu for more than 10 days.