Cacao is the seed of a fruit of an Amazonian tree that was brought to Central America during or before the time of the Olmecs. Cacao beans were so revered by the Mayans and Aztecs that they used them as money.
In 1753 Carl von Linnaeus, the 18th-century Swedish scientist, thought that cacao was so important that he named the genus and species of this tree himself. He named this tree: Theobroma cacao, which literally means ?cacao, the food of the gods.? As we approach 2012, and the patriarchal systems are crumbling, we decided to rename it “Cacao, food of the goddess”.
Cacao beans contain no sugar and between 12% and 50% fat depending on variety and growth conditions. Our cacao beans contain around 40% fat content (low compared to other nuts). There is no evidence to implicate cacao bean consumption with obesity.
Raw cacao is contains hundreds of chemicals, is high in magnesium, iron, chromium, tryptophan, and antioxidants. It also contains PEA and anandamide.